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Life Song

Every individual has an energetic frequency orchestrated by the planetary configurations unique to their nativity. The Celts believed we each have a Life Song and if yours is melodious you will develop The Sight, or intuitive senses and an understanding of the forces of nature. However, if you are out of harmony they believed you will suffer physically, emotionally, and/or mentally. While the stage is set the moment we take our first breath we can all learn how to best play our instruments. Allowing disharmonious thoughts and emotional patterns is a lot like playing random musical notes...nothing beautiful will come of it! If you sense negative vibrations within you it is important to raise your frequency because it not only affects your overall well being, your energy also affects the people in your environment. Lower vibrations draw more negativity toward you. Lower resonance distorts your song! Remember the saying "like attracts like". This is true with other patterns like how you feel about your finances, love life, and career. Does your playlist trigger feelings of lack or abundance; love or fear; joy or distaste? The higher your frequency the more access you have to positive feelings like love, hope, faith, abundance, and bliss! Understanding your Astrological make-up can help you fine tune your instruments, harmonize your melodies and create the soundtrack of your life! Produce your Life Song! Book a session with me today and start filling your life with Grammy winning material!


Metaphysics is not something I produce, it's something that produces a change in me and my clients. Astrology charts are maps that need skilled interpretation. The Tarot also works as a meta-objective tool that delivers information which can be understood by an adept reader. I use these tools along with intuitive guidance to understand situations. I consider myself nothing less than a translator in human conditions, for better or worse. When you experience my work, I think you'll agree.

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